Sunday 26 July 2015

Shiva and Conciousness - (an excerpt from

Have you ever wondered as to "Why I am in this World?", "What is the purpose of my life"?, "What is the way to have a completely fulfilling life"?

Well, Shiva-Consciousness is the answer. Remember, every human is Shiva.

Lord Shiva gives such simple solutions to achieve Truth-Consciousness-Bliss and complete fulfillment in life that anyone who is bit aware about himself can practice and achieve them.

You can find all the answers in your Sadhna. Your Sadhna means your commitment to your inner growth and your focused effort towards it. Just like you study in the school and college in a structured manner to attain some level and some degree, similarly you need to go through a structured guidance and Sadhna. The good part of Sadhna is that you experience growth on a daily basis and that brings utter joy and fulfillment.

Wisdom gives the humbleness’. Here humbleness does not mean the humility, but ease and refinement in everything. When your personality will become refined, you’ll no longer remain absurd & inconsistent. You’ll naturally be well mannered. But mannerism has been just a part of humility. You’ll basically be a refined and easygoing person. ‘Humbleness develops the ability’. When you become refined then you develop the ability. Hence knowledge takes you towards the progress and also refines your being. Therefore you become an able candidate through refinement. ‘Ability gives you a wealth’. Through ability, you attain the worldly means or resources in this World. Wealth means the required resources. In previous times if a person possessed many cows & big piece of land, then he was called as ‘Dhanpati’- a rich person. Wealth indicates those resources, through which you get your comforts and fulfillments. Therefore ability helps you attain those means, which fetch you fulfillment. ‘Then with the right resources you get righteous life and through that you get the joy and fulfillment’.  After attaining the right resources, you get ‘Dharma’. ‘Dharma’ means ‘the righteous life’. The righteous actions and to walk on the right path. The path of evolution is the right path. And when you have ‘Dharma’ in your life, you experience fulfillment and bliss. This all starts from wisdom. The pursuance of wisdom takes you towards the inner evolution.

“Illusions arise from the abolition of wisdom”. If you abort the wisdom which takes you towards growth then you are in illusion, you are in a dilemma, you are not clear. You will feel weak, entangled and fearful. You will feel shaken & will not be integrated. You will not be in your ‘self’. Therefore wisdom is utterly important. That’s the learning from fourth sutra.


A yogi engulfed in worldly attachments may get psychic powers but not the self-realisation. A person who does any work inspired by the desires or if his ‘Sadhna’ (spiritual practice) is inspired by the ambitions and worldly attachments in order to attain psychic powers then Shiva calls him a yogi engulfed in worldly attachments. This means that if you are doing any ‘Sadhna’ motivated by expectations, whatever it may be, a mantra or any sort of fasting, it is a ‘Sadhna’ covered by worldly attachments. The upper limit of that ‘Sadhna’ will be a reflection of that desire and will not go beyond that. It may be some other desire like ‘I should become such a powerful yogi that light emanate from my Aagya-chakra’, ‘I can see the light’ or ‘I can lift myself up in the air’. Actually many meditators fall on this prey that they may attain different psychic/divine powers, reading others mind for that matter. But if you entangle in the charm of these psychic powers then you yourself create obstacles in your path of spiritual growth and become your own enemy. You may get these powers but not the self-realisation which is your ultimate objective. You’ll find yourself stuck there.


Your self-awareness is your soul. The source, which awakens the inner inspiration for your workability, is your soul. First we understood that “Mind is the Mantra”. We learned that we can get inspiration for our workability from two levels. The first one is egocentric psycho-consciousness and the other one is soul-centric psycho-consciousness. When we start getting inspiration of our workability from soul-centric psycho-consciousness instead of egocentric psycho-consciousness then we set ourselves on the path of growth.

The same thing is expressed here that the soul is the generating source of our workability. Whatsoever we do, comes from our mind. But our mind is usually affected by the external factors. And when we become a spiritual practitioner, a Sadhak, then our mind begins to get influenced by inner factors in place of external factors. It then unifies itself with the soul. Then soul starts to function in place of outer-trained mind and starts giving you inspiration for workability. Subsequently soul takes over the mind. Once this happens, you no longer live a shallow life but start living a life of depth. Then the inner depth as well as mightiness increase.